Uncover the story your numbers are trying to tell you



CFO Power Sessions deliver the results and direction you expect from a CFO without the time or financial commitment 


Your business makes money, but are you leaving even more on the table?


Let me guess...

You get monthly financials from your accountant, but never get the INSIGHTS to actually use them to make decisions and answer questions like:

  • When can I hire someone?
  • How much can I pay them?
  • How much am I actually making per client?
  • Should I take on credit or investors?

Instead of stressing over taxes and tracking your receipts, what if you actually had someone in your corner talking about the big picture and helping you INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS'S VALUE?

A CFO can see the stories in the numbers that most business owners can't...but the problem is hiring a fractional CFO costs $$$$!

Let's uncover the blind spots in your business and give you the clarity you need to make confident financial decisions.



Private intensives for business owners who crave direction, strategy & results

What you can expect:

RECOVERED REVENUE - We helped a client create a better collections process to increase the speed she collected income 2x as fast!

 TAX SAVINGS - We helped a client save $80,000 in taxes with a startegy we implemented on the call.

PROFITABLE PRICING - We updated the pricing menu for a client that drove gross margins up 20%!


We can hold power sessions IN PERSON at your local office or VIRTUAL. Additional fees apply for in-person sessions.

You may bring your TEAM. If you would like to use a power session to review KPIs, metrics or set goals together, that is a great use of the session! 

The biggest results in business come from identifying and clearing the CONSTRAINTS that prevent us from moving forward. Whether your constraints are in building out your team, customer acquisition, or in fulfillment and supply chain, we will focus on helping clear those constraints using your data, not cookie cutter business coaching.


2 Hours - $2,000 Virtual

4 Hours - $3,500 Virtual

1-2 Day Live In Person - Custom

"I finally feel like I have a holistic financial and tax strategy that I understand."

I was doing most of the right things financially in my business, but I never totally understood why I was doing them, or how everything related. Shannon not only answered all of my questions, but she explained strategies, decisions and tax issues in a way that finally made sense to me. I finally feel like I have a holistic financial and tax strategy that I understand.

- Lindsey, Power Session Client

"Being able to ask simple questions and get quick answers helps me move the needle forward so much more quickly!"

Shannon is helping me look at my financials through new angles, and to plan for the future with small steps that take my business to the next level a little with every project I work on. Shannon is such a wealth of knowledge and being able to ask simple questions and get quick answers helps me move the needle forward so much more quickly!

- Laura, Power Session Client


Imagine your business when...


You can finally start using your financial statements and actually look forward to geting your monthly reports

You have total clarity on the metrics that move you toward your goals so you know how to focus your money and time

You have a clear path to your revenue and profit goals


In a CFO POWER SESSION, we will help you with:

Cash Flow Forecast

Predict how much cash you'll have in 3, 6 or 12 months to plan properly

Profit Plan

Uncover your margins, optimize pricing & control costs

Tax Strategy

Implement strategies that can save you thousands per year

Metrics & KPIs

Identify what to measure and how so you can focus on results


Book a free private business consult to get started

Submit your info below and you will receive a booking link via email.

We will discuss a unique strategy for your session and recommend focus areas.

This information will not be shared with anyone outside of Keep What You Earn Co. and is only used for its intended purpose.

I'm Shannon, your new CFO.

Nice to meet you! I pride myself in being an entrepreneur who just happens to have her CPA license. I started my own practice in 2019 to serve small business owners and also build my own financial freedom.

I love to collaborate and I love to teach, so bring all of your questions!

I am so excited to work with you and finally decode the numbers to help you on your path to financial success and wealth.

Learn More About Shannon